
1. Several ozonides, peroxides and aldehydes are formed during ozone therapy, recently introduced in medicine. tert-Butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), H2O2 and diamide were investigated as model substrate in rat hepatoma-derived Fa32 cells. 2. The cytotoxicity was measured by the neutral red uptake inhibition assay after 1 h or 24 h treatment. The relative toxicities were quantified by the determination of the NI50. This is the concentration of test compound required to induce an inhibition of 50% in neutral red uptake as compared to the control cells. All test chemicals were more toxic after 24 h than after 1 h. 3. The influence of the glutathione (GSH) alteration on the cytotoxicity was measured by treating the cells with 2-oxo-4-thiazolidine carboxylic acid (OTC) or L-buthionine sulfoximine (BSO). OTC increased the endogenous GSH content in the cells. BSO pretreatment strongly decreased the NI50 of the three chemicals. OTC pretreatment increased the NI50 of H2O2 but not of t-BHP and diamide. This can be explained by the strong GSH-depletion after 1 h by t-BHP and diamide, which contrasted with a weak GSH-depletion by H2O2 after the same time period. 4. The three test chemicals increased the endogenous GSH content after 24 h. t-BHP and H2O2, but not diamide, increased the total GSH transferase (GST) activity. Several alterations of the GST subunits were observed. Most striking was the increase of class alpha GST subunits, also for diamide. 5. Since H2O2 and t-BHP are ozone metabolites thought to be responsible for the therapeutic effects of well-dosed ozone, the results show that Fa32 cells can be used as a valuable alternative model system for studying the effects encountered in human ozone therapy.

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