
We study the gluon propagator and the singlet potential in Landau gauge in the deconfined phase of SU(2) lattice gauge theory, using both the standard Wilson action and a tree-level Symanzik improved action. From the long-distance behavior of correlation functions of temporal and spatial components of the gauge fields we extract electric (m_e) and magnetic (m_m) screening masses. For the magnetic mass we find m_m(T) = 0.456(6) g^2(T) T. The electric mass can be described by a next-to leading order ansatz, obtained from one loop resummed perturbation theory. However, the best description is given by m_e(T) = \sqrt{1.70(2)} g(T) T. The electric screening mass thus is different from its lowest order perturbative prediction even for temperatures as high as T \sim 10^4 T_c.

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