
The flux tube between a quark and an antiquark in Coulomb gauge is imagined in the gluonchain model as a sequence of constituent gluons bound together by Coulombic nearest-neighbor interactions. We diagonalize the transfer matrix in SU(2) lattice gauge theory in a finite basis of states containing a static quark-antiquark pair together w ith zero, one, and two gluons in Coulomb gauge. We show that while the string tension of the color-Coulomb potential (obtained from the zero-gluon to zero-gluon element of the transfer matrix) overshoots the true asymptotic string tension by a factor of about three, the inclusion of a few stat es with constituent gluons reduces the discrepancy considerably. The minimal energy eigenstate of the transfer matrix in the zero-, one-, and two-gluon basis exhibits a linearly rising potent ial with the string tension only about 1.4 times larger than the asymptotic one.

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