
A study has been made of the carbohydrate and oxygen metabolism of the rabbit cornea in vitro. The cornea was mounted in a chamber so that the normal shape of the tissue was maintained and the endothelial surface could be perfused with an “artificial aqueous” medium. Under these conditions there was no gross swelling of the cornea over a 5-hr period. Glucose, lactate, glycogen and oxygen were measured simultaneously at steady state. It was found that exogenous glucose provides 90% of the substrate supply, the remainder being comprised chiefly by glycogen and endogenous glucose. Of the total substrate utilized, equivalent to 0·6 μmol glucose cm−2 hr−1, 85% is converted to lactate and 15% is oxidized. A significant proportion (about 20%) of the total oxygen requirement of the cornea appears to be obtained from the perfusing fluid.

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