
The paper highlights the urgent problems of the globalization processes of modern civilization and the formation of the cultural space. The analysis focuses on the consideration of scientific literature and resources authors of which to a greater or lesser extent investigate this problem and emphasize the possibilities of cultural methodology regarding the study of globalization transformations and the formation processes of the cultural space of the modern world community. The investigation determines the existing crisis of scientific methodologies that stubbornly poses before researchers the urgent tasks of continuing the search for new methods and principles, the processes of globalization and the formation of cultural spaces in the era of civilizational globalization. A certain problem arises even more acutely for such a young scientific branch as cultural studies. In this regard, the author accentuates an extensive methodological possibility of cultural comparative studies, directly, its application to illuminate the issues of the origin and evolution of cultural space in the era of civilizational globalization. It is in the cultural space there are possibilities of functioning of different cultures, different eras, and the cultural space exists and acts as an operating system of the component of cultural activity united by common fundamental values. An analysis of existing sources and literature on the problems of civilization processes in the course of the formation of cultural space shows that it is the methods and principles of comparative studies within the cultural creation of ethnic groups that make it possible to overcome the tendencies of isolationism between different peoples and their cultures and traditions. Culturological comparative study, its principles and methods, makes it possible to study the genesis and to show the evolution of the spatial field of culture, its content, to highlight the processes of dialogue between cultures, the formation of globalization culture within a specific cultural space. The results of the research allow us to extrapolate the processes of globalization and the formation of cultural space on the materials of the development of Ukrainian culture. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the interaction of culture and economy in the last years of independent Ukraine development in the process of forming its cultural space.

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