
The purpose of the study : qualitative and quantitative comparison of tools for assessing the effectiveness of the use of the innovative potential of the enterprise . To achieve the research goal , the following tasks are set : to study the structure of the components of innovation potential in the context of achieving business efficiency ; evaluate the tools used in practice to study the innovative potential of the enterprise ; compare the tools for assessing the innovative potential of enterprises in terms of profitability and efficiency of the enterprise . The results of this study will allow us to substantiate the modern concept of innovative activity of the enterprise , based on the structure of innovative potential , consisting of four components : research , personnel , material and technical base , and corporate entrepreneurship . Secondly , the study aims to assess the enterprise’s innovative potential , which differs in the quality and quantity of indicators used . The measurement tools used in practice include a balanced scorecard ; multilevel assessment using a tree of cluster factors ; assessment based on world indices and / or monitoring ; mixed and statistical approach . Thirdly , it was found that on the basis of practical and value criteria , a system of balanced indicators of the innovative potential of an enterprise and an economic justification for the development of developed economic structures , as well as for enterprises focused on innovative capitalization and corporate entrepreneurship , is effective . Tools with probabilistic , analytical and statistical measurement methods are also useful for developed sectors of the economy and for enterprises focused on sustainable business .

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