
Optimization problems involving a finite number of decision variables and an infinite number of constraints are referred to as semi-infinite programs (SIPs). Existing numerical methods for solving nonlinear SIPs make strong assumptions on the properties of the feasible set, e.g., convexity and/or regularity, or solve a discretized approximation which only guarantees a lower bound to the true solution value of the SIP. Here, a general, deterministic algorithm for solving semi-infinite programs to guaranteed global optimality is presented. A branch-and-bound (BB the lower-bounding problem is formulated as a convex relaxation of a discretized approximation to the SIP. The SIP B&B algorithm is shown to converge finitely to ɛ−optimality when the subdivision and discretization procedures used to formulate the node subproblems are known to retain certain convergence characteristics. Other than the properties assumed by globally-convergent B&B methods (for finitely-constrained NLPs), this SIP algorithm makes only one additional assumption: For every minimizer x* of the SIP there exists a sequence of Slater points xn for which ** (cf. Section 5.4). Numerical results for test problems in the SIP literature are presented. The exclusion test and a modified upper-bounding problem are also investigated as heuristic approaches for alleviating the computational cost of solving a nonlinear SIP to guaranteed global optimality.

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