
Abstract Extending an earlier attempt to understand long-range propagation of the global internal-wave field, the energy E and horizontal energy flux F are computed for the two gravest baroclinic modes at 80 historical moorings around the globe. With bandpass filtering, the calculation is performed for the semidiurnal band (emphasizing M2 internal tides, generated by flow over sloping topography) and for the near-inertial band (emphasizing wind-generated waves near the Coriolis frequency). The time dependence of semidiurnal E and F is first examined at six locations north of the Hawaiian Ridge; E and F typically rise and fall together and can vary by over an order of magnitude at each site. This variability typically has a strong spring–neap component, in addition to longer time scales. The observed spring tides at sites northwest of the Hawaiian Ridge are coherent with barotropic forcing at the ridge, but lagged by times consistent with travel at the theoretical mode-1 group speed from the ridge. Phase computed from 14-day windows varies by approximately ±45° on monthly time scales, implying refraction by mesoscale currents and stratification. This refraction also causes the bulk of internal-tide energy flux to be undetectable by altimetry and other long-term harmonic-analysis techniques. As found previously, the mean flux in both frequency bands is O(1 kW m−1), sufficient to radiate a substantial fraction of energy far from each source. Tidal flux is generally away from regions of strong topography. Near-inertial flux is overwhelmingly equatorward, as required for waves generated at the inertial frequency on a β plane, and is winter-enhanced, consistent with storm generation. In a companion paper, the group velocity, ĉg ≡ FE−1, is examined for both frequency bands.

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