
Abstract. Cloud top heights (CTHs) are retrieved for the period 1 January 2003 to 7 April 2012 using height-resolved limb spectra measured with the SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY (SCIAMACHY) on board ENVISAT (ENVIronmental SATellite). In this study, we present the retrieval code SCODA (SCIAMACHY cloud detection algorithm) based on a colour index method and test the accuracy of the retrieved CTHs in comparison to other methods. Sensitivity studies using the radiative transfer model SCIATRAN show that the method is capable of detecting cloud tops down to about 5 km and very thin cirrus clouds up to the tropopause. Volcanic particles can be detected that occasionally reach the lower stratosphere. Upper tropospheric ice clouds are observable for a nadir cloud optical thickness (COT) ≥ 0.01, which is in the subvisual range. This detection sensitivity decreases towards the lowermost troposphere. The COT detection limit for a water cloud top height of 5 km is roughly 0.1. This value is much lower than thresholds reported for passive cloud detection methods in nadir-viewing direction. Low clouds at 2 to 3 km can only be retrieved under very clean atmospheric conditions, as light scattering of aerosol particles interferes with the cloud particle scattering. We compare co-located SCIAMACHY limb and nadir cloud parameters that are retrieved with the Semi-Analytical CloUd Retrieval Algorithm (SACURA). Only opaque clouds (τN,c > 5) are detected with the nadir passive retrieval technique in the UV–visible and infrared wavelength ranges. Thus, due to the frequent occurrence of thin clouds and subvisual cirrus clouds in the tropics, larger CTH deviations are detected between both viewing geometries. Zonal mean CTH differences can be as high as 4 km in the tropics. The agreement in global cloud fields is sufficiently good. However, the land–sea contrast, as seen in nadir cloud occurrence frequency distributions, is not observed in limb geometry. Co-located cloud top height measurements of the limb-viewing Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) on ENVISAT are compared for the period from January 2008 to March 2012. The global CTH agreement of about 1 km is observed, which is smaller than the vertical field of view of both instruments. Lower stratospheric aerosols from volcanic eruptions occasionally interfere with the cloud retrieval and inhibit the detection of tropospheric clouds. The aerosol impact on cloud retrievals was studied for the volcanoes Kasatochi (August 2008), Sarychev Peak (June 2009), and Nabro (June 2011). Long-lasting aerosol scattering is detected after these events in the Northern Hemisphere for heights above 12.5 km in tropical and polar latitudes. Aerosol top heights up to about 22 km are found in 2009 and the enhanced lower stratospheric aerosol layer persisted for about 7 months. In August 2009 about 82 % of the lower stratosphere between 30 and 70° N was filled with scattering particles and nearly 50 % in October 2008.


  • Clouds are extremely variable in form and size in the Earth’s atmosphere

  • We investigate the sensitivity of the method to detect clouds in limb view for different tropospheric cloud types using the radiative transfer model SCIATRAN

  • We refined the colour ratio method that was first used for the detection of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) in limb-viewing geometry

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Clouds are extremely variable in form and size in the Earth’s atmosphere. the physical cloud parameters, for example the optical thickness, albedo, and the bottom/top heights from near the ground up to the tropopause, are highly variable. Not all clouds are detectable from passive nadir observations, like cirrus and cirrostratus clouds with a mean COD of τN = 2.2) These clouds have a global annual mean cloud occurrence frequency of 16.7 % as measured by the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) aboard the CALIPSO satellite (Sassen et al, 2009). This retrieval scheme uses a colour ratio method to detect cloud top heights in limb-viewing geometry It was implemented in the SCIAMACHY level 2 operational processor (version 5.04) (ESA, 2013) to improve the limb trace gas retrievals towards the troposphere.

Limb data
Tangent height knowledge
Nadir data
Determination of colour index ratios and retrieval of cloud top heights
Limb optical thickness
Model simulations
Retrieval results
Annually averaged cloud top heights and occurrence frequencies
Height-resolved cloud occurrence frequencies
Temporal evolution of CIR and CTH
Validation with SCIAMACHY nadir and MIPAS limb cloud top heights
Comparison with SCIAMACHY nadir cloud measurements
11 Limb 2003-2007
Validation with MIPAS limb cloud top heights
Particle detection after volcanic eruptions
Full Text
Paper version not known

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