
Women have always been in a vital role to play either in the family or at the workplace. Epic holds most of the stories in history woven around women. Their determination, dedication and intelligence cannot be neglected and ignored. Their contribution has let to do miracles in the past. Women role in past were only confined to family life which has now changed drastically. Women have started contributing to the corporate world in the market but still, there is a gap between the real role and the deserved profiles. The Corporate Market is the most dynamic place in today's scenario with unexpected change, disruption and complexity. The organizations are taking Diversity and in the conclusion as a strategy for competing in the market. They are having plans for gender diversity to be managed well but they have confined themselves just for the numbers and the ratio of female employees is very less at leadership positions. At this crucial moment, the one of the reasons emerges out as so called “Glass ceiling”. This paper reviews the factors impacting the glass ceiling effect at workplace between developed and developing countries among women leaders. This paper will lighten up those areas where more work can be done to mitigating the impact of glass ceiling effect. This paper tries to unfold the layers of the women leadership glass ceiling effect with special reference to the difference between developed and developing countries. This paper will explore and critically analyze the methodology they are using for promoting women leadership in their respective countries.

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