
In 1488 Giuliano da Sangallo arrived in Naples with his model for a new royal palace commissioned by Lorenzo de’ Medici for the king of Naples, Ferrante of Aragon. In Giuliano da Sangallo in the Kingdom of Naples: Architecture and Cultural Exchange, Bianca de Divitiis examines the design of this royal palace in the context of the cultural and diplomatic relationship between Naples and Florence, considering the architect’s attempt to respond to the ceremonial and practical requirements of the Neapolitan court and to integrate “foreign” models with elements derived from local antiquities. De Divitiis analyzes the origins of the palace design and other important projects by Florentine architects in Naples, such as the suburban villa Poggioreale. The article looks at the knowledge, stimuli, and contacts that Giuliano acquired during his sojourn in the Kingdom of Naples and the legacy he left there.

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