
This idea is based mainly on the most important biochemical process, which is the process of bioremediation, it is based on the use of anaerobic fermentation yeast/Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the conversion of sugar to alcohol and then oxidizing it to get food vinegar followed by some reactions of neutralization and heating using catalysts and increasing pressure to get water gas, or what it is called natural gas. This method produces three liters of natural gas using one liter of sugar solution. The main result of this process is getting 3 folds of natural gas from 1 liter of sugar in addition that the source of biofuel is agricultural so it is free from the organic impurities that are always present with fossil fuels would be obtained and the biofuel obtained does not cause air pollution. Glucose is fermented under anaerobic conditions to avoid the formation of bread yeast.


  • Glucose is fermented under anaerobic conditions to avoid the formation of bread yeast

  • 6) methane gas is reacted with hot water at a temperature of 725 ̊C using a gravimetrical oven and the pressure is increased to 200 atmospheric pressure as shown in Figure 6 to form a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide which are combined rapidly after the reaction to produce hydro-gas or natural gas which is an efficient fuel according to the illustrated equation below

  • Increase in food supply to compete with the rapid increasing in world population is a great challenge leads researchers to prefer second and third generation biofuels. The result of this experiment is to get 3 liters of natural gas from 1 liter of sucrose in addition to that a source of vegetable fuel free from the organic impurities that are always present with fossil fuels would be obtained

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It is expected that world demands for fossil fuels will be increased by 50% due to the proportionally increased usage of vehicles and instruments which are run by fossil fuel resources like oil, petrol and natural gas despite there is a great progress in modern technology which use alternative sources. The sources of fossil fuels are not renewable and not pure so, there are adopted strategies and techniques which are alternative to meet the increasing requirements for energy. The anaerobic biodegradation of methane gas was presented in many studies previously, and expectations were ambitious that method will recover energy from fuel reservoirs. Akram converted to methane gas which is a key component of natural gas, by its biodegradation; producing methane will require inoculation to yield three folds of methane from 1 fold of sugar by concomitant alteration of hydrocarbon and profile and alkane metabolism, sulfate can be used as an electron acceptor because sulfate is a reducing factor, syntrophic, a fermenting bacteria or yeast can be used for sugar conversion into ethanol

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