
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ +) persons continue to experience discrimination and disadvantage in many areas of life, including healthcare. Studies indicate that LGBTIQ+persons show high rates of chronic physical and mental illness on the one hand, and report negative experiences with health care providers on the other hand. The aim of this work is to point towards barriers and the provision of inadequate health care for LGBTIQ+persons, and to draw attention to relevant gaps in medical education in Germany, needing to be followed by specific actions. For these purposes, both scientific evidence for the disadvantage of LGBTIQ+persons within the health care system and important innovative interventions in the education of medical personnel are presented and discussed. A variety of different - in terms of scope, format, and content - training programs have already been tested and established, mainly in English-speaking regions of the world. In contrast, medical training in Germany lacks such programs. Raising awareness and expanding the training of medical students to include LGBTIQ+health topics is of great importance in Germany.

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