
Compensation for geometrical spreading is important in prestack Kirchhoff migration and in amplitude versus offset/amplitude versus angle (AVO/AVA) analysis of seismic data. We present equations for the relative geometrical spreading of reflected and transmitted P‐ and S‐wave in horizontally layered transversely isotropic media with vertical symmetry axis (VTI). We show that relatively simple expressions are obtained when the geometrical spreading is expressed in terms of group velocities. In weakly anisotropic media, we obtain simple expressions also in terms of phase velocities. Also, we derive analytical equations for geometrical spreading based on the nonhyperbolic traveltime formula of Tsvankin and Thomsen, such that the geometrical spreading can be expressed in terms of the parameters used in time processing of seismic data.Comparison with numerical ray tracing demonstrates that the weak anisotropy approximation to geometrical spreading is accurate for P‐waves. It is less accurate for SV‐waves, but ...

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