
Introduction.Questions of the maintenance of territories and road network in winter conditions are directly connected with timely and qualitative clearing of roads and territories of snow. Designing and creation effective milling and rotary snowblowers, which work includes some technological operations on snow cleaning, consist in a correct choice of geometrical and kinematic parameters of basic elements. At a design stage the technique, allowing to carry out a choice of the basic technological parameters of such vehicles is necessary and further it would allow to make optimization directly. The purpose of this paper is representation of dependences of the basic technological parameters of the milling and rotary snowblowers and sequence of their choosing.Materials and methods. The paper presents analytical equations connecting geometrical and kinematic characteristics of the feeder, the thrower of milling and rotary snowblower from conditions of maintenance of identical productivity. Moreover, the analysis of the received equations and dependences by choice milling and rotary snowblower parameters is presented. Sequences of the basic geometrical and kinematic parameters’ influence on each other are revealed.Results.As a result, the comparative estimation of the offered and existing equations is made. The character of dependence of angular speed of the throwing device rotation on translational speed of the milling and rotary snowblower and width of the rotor blade is established. On the basis of the received dependences the algorithm of the basic technological parameters’ choice on the milling and rotary snowblowers, proceeding from the minimization condition of the initial parameters’ task are considered.Discussion and conclusion. The presented dependences allow to spend effectively outline designing of new constructions of milling and rotary snowblowers and to carry out optimisation of existing models of milling and rotary snowblowers.


  • Questions of the maintenance of territories and road network in winter conditions are directly connected with timely and qualitative clearing of roads and territories of snow

  • which work includes some technological operations on snow cleaning

  • Обоснование ширины ленты фрезы питателя фрезерно-роторного снегоочистителя // Вестник СибАДИ

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Рисунок 3 – Зависимость толщины пятна разброса от ширины лопасти ротора (ряд 1) и ширины захвата питателя ФРС (ряд 2), при L= 5 м, h= 0,1 м; ωР = 87,2 с-1;Rр= 0,16 м; Vпер= 1,4 м/с. Рассмотрим на величину увгллиоявноийеспкоорстоусптаитверлаьωщноРейн=исяbкBРорроRотhРсо[2] трVиап,есрин.сепгоолоьчзиусωятРивт=ые8рл7ая,ж2иеsн-1ш;иRиерр(=и1н00ы,)1:6лmо;пVапсетри=. Рассмотрим влияние поступательной скорости снегоочистителя и ширины лопасти ротора оRтРМп=НАоса0нНт,ар1уаип6всаремутилн.есиклучеьнинк4неоупй4русегпклдроосервтдооассйвттлаисевкФнлоерРгнорСсагтфириаишфвкириуракгищлуноегωывωлнооРилРйвяо=о=спрйкbаоbBоBРсстРртокоRиорRhсhраР2рРт2о,оVиVситптвспоеиеррпрр.оава. ЛщрМьаезщАнуиеяпянрвиирыяортBраоожртреаоанрвМианеАоМ,(м1Ас01-,1),,с:2в-1м,зв,аhвзиа=сви0им,с1иоммстоиисти от поступательной скорости ФРС и ширины лопасти ротора МА при B равном 1,2 м, h = 0,1 м и оRтРпНо=са0т,ру1ип6саумтне.клеьн4опйрсекдосртоасвтлиеФн РгрСафи ишкиургилноыволйоспкаосртоисртоитворраащМеАнипяриротBорраавМнАо,мс1-1,,2вмз,аhви=си0м,1омстии

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