
The Khetri copper belt is a well-known metallotect in northern part of Delhi fold belt in Rajasthan. On the eastern margin of the Khetri sub basin of North Delhi basin separated by a basement high, another sub basin Alwar-Ajabgarh sub basin exposes that a thick sequence of Ajabgarh group of rocks overlies a thick arenaceous sequence of Alwar group of Delhi Super Group of rocks. The Ajabgarh meta sediments here in the Neem Ka thana area are characterized by presence of Bornite dominated copper mineralization with silver association and minor presence of Pb. The mineralization has been described by various workers as strata-bound, hypogene and IOCG. But these inferences are based on part information and the inference drawn is sectorial in nature. The current study includes a holistic study based on exploration over a period of more than two decades and the data generated suggest thereof, that this syngenetic sulphide mineralization associated with the sedimentation of marl and carbonate rocks. Subsequently it has been relocated during 2nd deformation accompanied by epigenetic component of mineralization depicted in terms of vein filled coarse grained aggregates of bornite and chalcopyrite disposed across the general disposition of litho-package. The EPMA and fluid inclusion data generated from the area indicate association of typical hydrothermal environment minerals like, Perkrite, Wittchenite, Aguilarite, Molybdnite etc. The mineralizing fluids have been trapped between the temperature ranges of 130°C to 375°C with average being 250°C to 300°C. The fluid salinity also varies from near pure hot water to moderately saline fluid indicative of multi-episodic mineralization of syngenetic nature coupled with epigenetic component. The ore textures indicate 500°C temperature range; certain intergrowths of minerals like specular hematite and bornite suggest the occurrence of hypogene environment induced due to emplacement of granite/pegmatite on the eastern and southern margins of the belt. The strata bound nature suggests the euxogenic environment facilitated by carbonate facies of rocks. The parallelism of sulphide with the rock fabric was attained during first deformation and the epigenetic component coupled with the hypogene assemblage was deposited during the D2 deformation in the brittle ductile shear zones and limb shears, between the temperature ranges of 130°C to 570°C as deduced from petrochemical data. Hence a comprehensive model is suggested here on evolution of process of mineralization in the Neem Ka Thana belt.

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