Detailed examination of two new profiles through the Denison Series paleosol, and one new profile through a Pronto Series paleosol in the Elliot Lake area, lend fresh insight into atmospheric and hydrogeologic environmental conditions of Precambrian Earth. These are reassessed, with reference to the results of previous studies, as true indigenous paleosols of polygenetic character. Virtually all of the criteria (Grandstaff et al., 1986) for identification of paleosols are met. The paleosols bear strong mineralogical and chemical similarities despite derivation from different parent materials, and sampling at locations distant from each other. There has evidently been a common reaction to weathering processes peculiar to the Early Proterozoic. Diagenetic and metamorphic events mask, to a considerable extent, the role played by environmental and hydrologic conditions in the development of the paleosols. In the Denison greenstone-derived paleosol, clay formed from amphibole, feldspar and chlorite is altered to sericite. Increased quartz content is due to residual concentration and to secondary development. In granodiorite-derived paleosol, quartz and sericite are generally more abundant; quartz is relatively concentrated toward the top of the profile. The paleosols are thus primarily sericite, quartz and chlorite assemblages. Rutile and leucoxene are accessory minerals. Profiles of elemental chemistry show the most drastic changes in concentration at the base, in transition to bedrock. Magnesia and lime are leached from all profiles, as in modern soils, although in common with most Precambrian paleosols, potash accumulated. Total Fe is strongly depleted from the profiles except just above the bedrock contact with granodiorite, a condition attributed to mobilization of Fe from the paleosol to a position directly over relatively impermeable parent rock. Use of Holland's method of establishing oxygenation from paleosols indicates that in terms of Fe content, parent material of granodiorite-derived paleosol should produce a reduced Fe-paleosol. The oxygen demand of this rock was greater than granite, owing to an abundant ferromagnesian content. Two fossil eluvial horizons, marked by high chlorite and a dramatic decrease in sericite content, are recognized in the Denison paleosol. Their existence shows that although initial stages of weathering may have occurred under water-saturated conditions, conditions were probably more arid than supposed by previous workers, particularly during the later stages of development of the paleosol. Although Fe-enriched, the eluvial horizons are drastically depleted in potash, Al and Th. Removal of Al 2O 3 negates normalization of chemical analyses of paleosols to Al 2O 3, for purposes of constant volume calculations. Th, associated with sericite in the profiles, increases at the contact with the overlying Matinenda Formation, in association with rutile and leucoxene, owing to interaction with diagenetic U-bearing fluids from overlying sediments. Rutile and leucoxene originate from parent rocks, and are a late-stage form of mineralization. These titaniferous phases indirectly contributed to the local dominance of brannerite-type orc through diagenetic processes of mineralization involving the Pronto Reaction. Paleotopographic greenstone highs are related to local, anomalously high concentrations of heavy minerals in the brannerite-rich orc. This involves hydraulic deposition of heavy minerals in the lee of crescent-shaped greenstone highs, with subsequent diagenetic upgrading. Granodiorite-derived paleosol contains 5–10 times more Au than the Denison paleosol, and is modestly enriched above background. A slight decrease in Au content upward, evident in all profiles, is an artefact of erosion of the top of the paleosols.
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