
The Carajás region, located in the southeastern part of the Amazon Craton, has been considered one of the most important mineral provinces in the world. The Serra do Rabo Granite (SRG) crops out near the eastern termination of the Carajás fault as two granite stocks, elongated approximately in an E–W direction, concordant with the regional structures. Leucomicrocline granite, hornblende–microcline granite, biotite–hornblende–microcline granite, hornblende syenogranite, and subordinate aplite are identified. The granites are grayish pink and coarse to medium grained and have mainly hypidiomorphic granular texture. Granophyric textures are common. The accessory minerals are ilmenite, apatite, zircon, allanite, and rare pyroxene. The SRG rocks are either massive or foliated, with a slightly anastomosed continuous S 1 foliation (E–W/subvertical) outlined by the preferred orientation of quartz, feldspars, and mafic minerals. Locally, decimeter- to meter-wide mylonite/ultramylonite bands ( S 1m) occur along the E–W foliation. The S 1 foliation was developed under higher temperatures than those of the S 1m mylonite foliation. The SRG structural evolution was controlled by progressive deformation under decreasing temperature, indicative of syntectonic emplacement. The SRG also has relatively high SiO 2, K 2O, and Na 2O contents; high FeO*/(FeO*+MgO) ratios; high Zr, Ba, Nb, and Ga; and very high rare-earth element contents. The chemical signature is moderately alkaline and metaluminous, comparable to that of the A-type, A2, and ALK-3 granites. The origin of the SRG magmas may be related to the partial melting of crustal sources, such as previously metamorphosed calc-alkaline granites. The SRG crosscuts supracrustal rocks, promoting low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism. The interaction between regional compressive stresses and the ballooning effect of the granite stocks promoted slight aureole flattening and rheological changes in the supracrustal rocks. The U–Pb zircon age of 2743±1.6 Ma is interpreted as the age of zircon crystallization, granite stock emplacement, and regional horizontal shortening. Other 2.7 Ga syntectonic alkaline granites (e.g. Estrela, Plaquê, Planalto) have been reported in the region.

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