
Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks in the Island Harbour Bay area (Kaipokok domain, Makkovik Province, Labrador) are divided into four separate suites on the basis of field relations, petrology, and age. The redefined Island Harbour Bay plutonic suite consists of ca. 1895–1870 Ma dioritic to granitic (mainly granodioritic and granitic) units. The rocks are variably foliated as a result of emplacement under amphibolite-facies conditions in a dextral transpressive regime during Andean-type subduction. The dominant mafic mineral is biotite, and accessory epidote, allanite, and titanite are abundant. The suite is calc-alkalic, but with rare-earth element patterns similar to those of Archean tonalitic–trondhjemitic–granodioritic suites. It is interpreted to have formed deep in an Andean-type magmatic arc at the margin of the Nain continent. In contrast, the younger Hares Islands and Drunken Harbour granites (emplaced at ca. 1805 and 1790 Ma, respectively) were part of widespread late-orogenic magmatic activity i...

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