
Detailed geological, petrological and geochemical studies have been carried out on an arenite–quartzwacke suite of rocks constituting a part of the Late Archaean Sandur schist belt in Dharwar craton, southern India for understanding the nature of provenance for these sedimentary rocks. The arenite–quartzwacke consists of rounded to sub-rounded and angular fragments of monocrystalline–polycrystalline quartz, quartzite and chert embedded in a fine-grained matrix of quartz and sericite. While arenites are more siliceous (SiO 2, 80–92 wt.%), the quartzwacke have relatively lower silica content (ca. 69–78 wt.%). The arenites and quartzwackes have CIA values ranging from 76 to 96 which suggest intense chemical weathering. This is further corroborated by the positive correlation between Al 2O 3 and TiO 2 in both these rock types. The ACNK modeling of arenites and quartzwackes show evidence for addition of K 2O during later metasomatic alteration. In the ACNKFM ternary diagram all the samples plot along a mixing line between chlorite and sericite indicating alteration during K-metasomatism and the presence of mafic rocks in the source. The high concentration of HFSE such as Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta and the trace element ratios Th/Sc, La/Sc, Th/U and Ce/Th in the arenite–quartzwacke indicate a mixed provenance. The rare earth element modeling of quartzwackes considering tonalite, granite and amphibolite end members in the provenance suggests equal proportions of mafic and felsic end members. A composition comprising of 25% tonalite+25% granite+50% amphibolite in the provenance appears to match with the observed range of REE patterns of quartzwackes. The presence of higher proportions of granite in the provenance is evidenced by the large negative Eu anomalies in these sediments. Field evidence and structural discordance suggest that the arenite–quartzwacke suite is an allochthonous part of the Sandur schist belt.

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