
Effective and economic use of seismic methods in highly explored areas requires a different approach to the exploration problem than that used in less developed areas. In highly explored areas the subsurface structure and stratigraphy generally are well known and the exploration objective is the extension of known areas, search for new productive zones, or establishment of deeper production. Thus the seismic method must be capable of much greater resolution and accuracy, and ambiguities caused by multiple reflections and other signal-like events must be eliminated. The Digital Seismic Exploration System, consisting of digitally recording and processing of seismic data to achieve specific objectives, is uniquely applicable in highly explored areas. Effective utilization of the system requires a step-by-step approach to the exploration problem: (1) the exploration objective must be defined in seismic terms; (2) the ability of digital technology to solve the problem must be evaluated; (3) the exploration system, consisting of special digital data collection techniques and sophisticated data-reduction processes by digital computers, must be designed; and (4) close coordination of geologist and geophysicist is required to evaluate continuously the achievement of the exploration objective and to make necessary modifications in the system to achieve th objective in a better way. The application of these principles to the solution of a End_Page 1081------------------------------ stratigraphic trap problem by digital seismic technology is described in detail. End_of_Article - Last_Page 1082------------

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