
HERR OTTO SCHÜTT, the well-known African traveller, has returned to Lisbon from his exploring expedition to Central Africa, undertaken by order of the German African Society, and has delivered an interesting lecture to the Lisbon Geographical Society. He brings home highly important and quite new data concerning the complicated hydrography of the Congo Basin. Between the Cuango and the Casai rivers, two known tributaries of the Congo, he has discovered four others, viz., the Quengo, Marata, Cinlu and Quanger rivers. Besides this he has determined the upper course of the Casai river from lat. 8° S. to about lat. 6° S. in a district totally unknown hitherto. From lat. 8° S. as far as lat. 4° S. the Casai takes the name of Zaïre, which on older maps is often given to the Congo itself. The lake called Sankowa Lake by English explorers is situated in lat. 5° S., and is called Mucaruba by the natives. To the south of this lake a tribe of dwarfs are living. The tribes inhabiting the shores of the Quengo and the Casai rivers are cannibals. As the Muata Jamvo, who some three years ago stopped Pogge's further progress, did not permit Herr Schiitt to cross the Lulua river, he had to return to Loanda on the west coast.

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