
The Nanfen iron deposit, situated in the Anshan-Benxi area of the North China Craton (NCC), hosts scattered banded iron formations (BIFs) and BIF-hosted high-grade iron orebodies (defined by FeOT>80wt.%). The associated roof and bottom rocks, which occur in parallel to orebodies, are mica quartz schist and chlorite hornblende schist (locally interlayers), respectively. The PAAS-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns indicate that quartz–magnetite banded iron formations (BIFs) are enriched in Heavy REEs with positive La, Eu and Y anomalies, indicating that the Nanfen BIF precipitated from a mixture of ambient seawater and submarine high-T hydrothermal fluids (∼0.1%). In addition, the BIF exhibits low concentrations of Al2O3 and TiO2 with depletion in HFSEs (high field strength elements, e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti), suggesting little contamination with continental detritus. Excepting lower Eu/Eu* values, the high-grade iron ores display similar geochemical features to the BIF, likely implying that they have a same iron source but did not form synchronously. Electron microprobe analyses (EMPA) and in situ LA-ICP-MS analyses reveal that in relative to the magnetite grains in high-grade ores, the magnetite grains in the BIF contain higher MnO, MgO and Zn concentrations, and lower Al2O3 and REE abundances, implying different formation conditions. Thus, we argue that high-grade ores are likely to be alteration products of primary BIFs. Chlorite hornblende schist (meta-basalt) samples exhibit low SiO2 contents (43.78–50.30wt.%) with flat chondrite-normalized REE and N-MORB-normalized trace element patterns, which are similar to those of BABB (back-arc basin basalt). The zircon U–Pb dating results indicate that magmatic and metamorphic zircons from chlorite hornblende schist formed at approximately 2552Ma and 2482Ma, respectively. The former volcanic age could constrain the deposition age of the Nanfen BIF, and the latter reflects a subsequent metamorphic event, which is also reflected by the ∼2480Ma hydrothermal zircons selected from the BIF. Moreover, most zircons from chlorite hornblende schist have positive ɛHf(t) values (0.22–7.96) close to the depleted mantle evolutionary curve, implying that the source magma were derived from a depleted mantle with some contamination from ancient crust. Hence, we propose that the Nanfen BIF is a Neoarchean Algoma-type BIF, and its deposition was most likely benefited due to crustal growth.

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