
The Reade Lake and Kiakho stocks are posttectonic mesozonal quartz monzonite porphyries that intrude dominantly Middle Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup rocks in southeastern British Columbia. K–Ar dates of hornblende from the Reade Lake stock range from 103 to 143 Ma. However, a U–Pb date of 94 Ma from zircon concentrates is interpreted to be the age of emplacement of the stock, suggesting the range and older K–Ar dates are due to excess 40Ar. A K–Ar date of 122 Ma for the hornblende from the Kiakho stock is believed to be a more reliable intrusive age.Both stocks cut across and apparently seal two faults that have played roles in the tectonic evolution of the Purcell anticlinorium and Rocky Mountain thrust belt. The Reade Lake stock cuts the St. Mary fault, an east-trending reverse thrust that crosses the Rocky Mountain trench and links with thrusts in the Rocky Mountains; the Kiakho stock cuts the Cranbrook fault, an older east-trending normal fault. Hence, the 94 Ma date on the Reade Lake stock constrains the latest movement on the St. Mary fault to early Late Cretaceous; and the 122 Ma date on the Kiakho stock appears to limit latest movement on the Cranbrook fault to Early Cretaceous. These faults and the intrusions are part of an allochthonous package, displaced eastward by underlying thrust faults during formation of the Purcell anticlinorium and more eastern thrusts in the Rocky Mountains.

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