
Abstract: Neoarchean metamorphic mafic rocks in the lower and the middle Wutai Complex mainly comprise metamorphic gabbros, amphibolites and chlorite schists. They can be subdivided into three groups according to chondrite normalized REE patterns. Rocks in Group #1 are characterized by nearly flat REE patterns (Lan/Ybn=0.86‐1.3), the lowest total REEs (29–52 ppm), and weak negative to positive Eu anomalies (Eun/Eun*=0.84‐1.02), nearly flat primitive mantle normalized patterns and strong negative Zr(Hf) anomalies. Their geochemical characteristics in REEs and trace elements are similar to those of ocean plateau tholeiite, which imply that this group of rocks can represent remnants of Archean oceanic crust derived from a mantle plume. Rocks in Group #2 are characterized by moderate total REEs (34–116 ppm), LREE‐enriched (Lan/Ybn=1.76‐4.34) chondrite normalized REE patterns with weak Eu anomalies (Eun/Eun*=0.76‐1.16), and negative Nb, Ta, Zr(Hf), Ti anomalies in the primitive mantle normalized spider diagram. The REE and trace element characteristics indicate that they represent arc magmas originating from a sub‐arc mantle wedge metasomatized by slab‐derived fluids. Rocks in Group #3 are characterized by the highest total REEs (61–192 ppm), the strongest LREEs enrichment (Lan/Ybn=7.12–16) with slightly negative Eu anomalies (Eun/Eun*=0.81‐0.95) in the chondrite normalized diagram. In the primitive mantle normalized diagram, these rocks are characterized by large negative anomalies in Nb, Ta, Ti, negative to no Zr anomalies. They represent arc magmas originating from a sub‐arc mantle wedge enriched in slab‐derived melts. The three groups of rocks imply that the formation of the Neoarchean Wutai Complex is related to mantle plumes and island‐arc interaction.

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