
Chromosomal DNA from 62 strains of ‘Campylobacter upsaliensis’ from blood and faecal specimens of patienst in Australia, Belgium, South Africa and England, and seven dog isolates from England and Sweden were examined. DNA base compositions of 21 strains were 35 ± 1mol% G+ C. Electrophoresis of Hae III DNA digests gave pattern comprisign about 200 well resolved bands of 2 to 10 kgb, and visual comparison revealed considerable genomic variation with 26 different digest patterns identifiable. Differences were evident between genemic DNA patterns of strains form different geographical locations, and between human and dog strains. Each set of human strains from the four geographical locations was comprised of 5 to 8 DNa pattern types. The Hae III DNA digest patterns were generally more discrimatory that the HindIII, PvuII CfoI, SmaI and XhoI patterns although soe DNAs (12%) were not cut with HaeIII. We conclude the method provides an excellent basis for typing most strains of ‘C. upsaliensis’.

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