
Responses of two green gram ( Phaseolus aureus) cultivars differing in salt tolerance ability were compared for seed germination efficiency, seedling vigor (root and shoot length), plant growth (dry weight (DW) and fresh weight (FW)), water uptake and intracellular Na +/K + contents during germination under the conditions of absence as well as presence of various levels of salinity. In cultivar SML-32 increasing levels of salinity remarkably decreased seed germination and caused pronounced decrease in seedling vigor, plant growth and water uptake in shoot and root compared to cultivar T-44. Intracellular sodium content of the root and shoot tissues of the cultivar SML-32 was found to be increased several folds in presence of salinity while that of the cultivar T-44 exhibited only moderate increase even at high salinity level (200 mM NaCl). However intracellular K + content of the root and shoot tissues of both the cultivars did not much increased in presence of salinity. Results suggest possible different behaviors of cultivars differing in salt tolerance with respect to germination, seedling vigor, plant growth, water content (WC) and Na +/K + contents. Based on these criteria, cultivar T-44 was considered as salt tolerant while that of SML-32 salt sensitive.

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