
Abstract Genotoxic effect as tested of chronic exposure to three different concentrations of Chromium (III) on polytene chromosomes of larvae of Chironomus riparius (syn. Chironomus thummi) from the embryonic stage to the IV larval instar for two successive generations. In chromosomes AB, CD, EF and G significant differences of chromosome aberrations were found between exposed and control larvae as well as changes in functional activity (induction of novel puffs not corresponding to those induced during normal larval development in arms A, B, C and E, telomeric and centromeric decondensations especially at telomeres of chromosome G and arm C.). No significant differences were found between the effects of the three treatments nor between the two generations. In chromosome G the Balbiani Ring system (where some permanently active regions are involved in transcription of salivary proteins) appeared as a model for studying the response of the genome to Cr (III) treatment. In approximately one-third of the cel...

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