
A genome-wide scan for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in tumors provides a powerful route to the identification of genes involved in tumorigenesis. This approach has not previously been applied to transgenic mice, despite the considerable advantages they afford for genetic dissection. Here, we report a genome-wide LOH analysis of insulinomas and carcinoid tumors in transgenic mice expressing the simian virus 40 large tumor oncogene. Although the overall genome-wide rate of LOH was quite low, chromosomes 9 and 16 showed high rates of allelic loss. About one-third of tumors showed partial LOH, allowing localization of the likely tumor suppressor genes to intervals of approximately 11 centimorgans. The locus on chromosome 9, named Loh-1, lies in a region with synteny conservation to human chromosomes 3q, 6q12, 15q24, and 3p21, while the locus on chromosome 16, named Loh-2, lies in a region corresponding to human chromosomes 3q and 22q. Of particular note is the synteny conservation with human 3p21, which shows frequent loss in human cancers. These regions do not encode two tumor suppressors, pRB and p53, known to interact with large tumor oncoprotein, suggesting the presence of new genes whose loss of function contributes to multistage tumorigenesis.

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