
In the parent Nostoc muscorum an active proline oxidase enzyme is required to assimilate exogenous proline as a fixed nitrogen source. Cyanobacterial mutants, resistant to growth inhibitory action of proline analogue L-azetidine-2-carboxylate (Ac-R), were deficient in proline oxidase activity, and were over-accumulators of proline. Proline over-accumulation, resulting either from mutational acquisition of the Ac-R phenotype, or from salinity-induced uptake of exogenous proline, confirmed enhanced salinity/osmotic tolerance in the mutant strain. The nitrogenase activity and photosynthetic O 2 evolution of the parent were sensitive to both salinity as well as osmotic stresses than of Ac-R mutant strain. In addition, the mutation to Ac-resistant phenotype showed no alteration in salinity inducible potassium transport system in the cyanobacterium.

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