
We investigated the degree and distribution of the genetic variation, and phylogeography, of two species of Malagasy poison frogs, Mantella cowani and M. baroni. The former is critically endangered due to its restricted distribution, habitat destruction and overcollection for the pet trade. Analysis of 526 bp of mtDNA (cytochrome b) resulted in separate haplotype networks for the two species, and discovered hybridization at a single locality. The two networks confirm the status of M. baroni and M. cowani as separate evolutionary species and units for conservation. Within both mitochondrial haplotype networks, specimens from di!erent localities shared numerous identical haplotypes, even those from the most distant sample sites of M. baroni. Most populations were characterized by high haplotype diversity and no haplotype clades exclusive to geographical regions were observed. Protection of a few large populations of these species is therefore likely to conserve much of the mtDNA genetic diversity found in the entire species. While M. baroni is widespread and occurs in many nature reserves, we recommend eci ent legal protection of some M. cowani habitats to protect this species against extinction.

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