
Meloidogyne paranaensis is one of the most destructive root‐knot nematode (RKN) species parasitizing coffee in Brazil and in the Americas generally. The objectives of this study were to assess the genetic variability, aggressiveness and virulence of seven different M. paranaensis populations on susceptible and resistant Coffea spp. All seven RKN populations were identified by biochemical and molecular methods. Coffee seedlings were inoculated in the greenhouse, and the nematode reproduction factor was used to infer their reproduction on coffee genotypes. Phylogenetic studies showed a low genetic variability in M. paranaensis populations, regardless of the existence of three esterase phenotypes (Est P1, P2 and P2a), except for the population Est P2a from Guatemala, which is genetically different from other M. paranaensis populations from Brazil. The Est P2a and Est P2 (Herculândia, SP, Brazil) populations were the most aggressive on two susceptible C. arabica cultivars under greenhouse conditions. None of the M. paranaensis populations were virulent on resistant coffee genotypes, confirming their resistance to the seven M. paranaensis populations tested. The resistant coffee cultivars, namely Clone 14 INCAPER, Catuaí Vermelho × Amphillo MR2161 (E1 16‐5 III), Apoatã IAC 2258, Timor Hybrid UFV 408‐01 (E1 6‐6 II) and IPR 100, exhibited segregation for resistance in the ratio of 0%, 2.4%, 12%, 26% and 29%, respectively. These are promising results, because they validate resistance against several M. paranaensis populations in different Coffea spp. genetic resources, which can be used in breeding programmes or as rootstocks, such as Apoatã IAC 2258 and Clone 14 INCAPER.

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