
Investigation of quantitative traits of Jerusalem artichoke populations was conducted on the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute of the Republic of Srpska in Banja Luka, during 2013 and 2014. The material was collected in the wider area of Republic of Srpska. The following populations were analyzed: Srbac, Modrica, Pivara, Lazarevo, Bosna, Vrbas, Gradiska and Aleksici. The trial was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The following parameters were analyzed: tuber weight (g), plant height (cm), stem number/plant, average stem thickness (cm), green mass yield/plant (kg), and dry mass yield/plant (kg). Average tuber weight ranged from 36.7 g (Bosna) to 61.0 g (Lazarevo). Plant height ranged from 1.55 m (Lazarevo) to 2.20 m (Aleksici). Stem number/plant varied from 2.2 (Aleksici) to 5.3 (Modrica). Stem thickness was between 1.24 cm (Bosna) and 2.11 cm (Aleksici). The population Bosna had the lowest average yield of green mass and dry mass yield/plant, while the highest mean value had population Aleksici. Broad sense heritability varied from 34.66% (plant height) to 50.99% (dry mass yield/plant). Highly significant positive correlations between plant height and stem thickness (r = 0.874), stem thickness and green mass yield (r = 0.919), stem thickness and dry mass yield (r = 0.902) were established. Jerusalem artichoke populations were clustered into two groups, and the first group was composed of two sub-groups. The results of these studies will allow choice of Jerusalem artichoke populations with better quantitative traits, and their inclusion in the program of creating new varieties.

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