
Mutant lines of Lotus japonicus (Regel) Larsen that show defects in nodulation as well as in mycorrhiza formation are valuable resources for studying the events required for the establishment of functional symbioses. In this study, 11 mutant lines derived from a screen for genetic suppressors of har1-1 hypernodulation were assessed quantitatively for their ability to form arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis. The presence of extraradical mycelia, appressoria, intraradical hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles were scored. Roots of the har1-1 parental line were heavily colonised by six weeks after inoculation with the AM fungus Glomus intraradices showing the typical Arum-type colonisation pattern. Five mutants lacked internal root colonisation with blocks either at the surface of epidermal cells or at the outer tangential wall of cortical cells. These AM- lines showed some differences in relation to the amount of extraradical hyphae, the number of appressoria, and the degree of abnormal appressorium morphology. Four mutants had internal root colonisation but at a lower level than the parental line. Two mutants showed no difference from the parental line. Results of this study provide additional genetic resources for studying the mechanism of root colonisation by AM fungi.

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