
The last two centuries witnessed the human-caused fragmentation of Tunisian Ceratonia siliqua L. (Caesalpinoideae) populations which were often represented by scattered individuals. Seventeen populations growing in four bioclimatic zones: sub-humid, upper semi-arid, mean semi-arid and lower semi-arid zones, were sampled for allozyme diversity to assess their genetic diversity and structuration using eight isozymes revealed by starch gel electrophoresis. The species showed high diversity within populations. The average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 1.98, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 83.4% and the mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were respectively 0.247 and 0.316. A substantial level of inbreeding within populations induced by Wahlund effect, was observed (FIS = 0.231). High diversity resulted from the great number of genotypes in the ancestral population before fragmentation, favoured by the outbreeding of the species. High differentiation and low gene flow were detected among populations (FST = 0.200) and among pairs of ecological zones (0.113< FST <0.198). However, the differentiation coefficient of the four zones was low (FST = 0.085) and similar to the average FST for forest trees. Population structuration depends on geographic distance between sites rather than bioclimate, indicating that structuration has occurred slowly and that climatic conditions have had little effect. Nei's genetic distances (D) between populations were low and ranged from 0.004 to 0.201. Mean D value for all population was 0.087. The UPGMA clustering established for all populations through Nei's genetic distances did not clearly show that, for the majority of populations, grouping had resulted from ecological factors or geographic location. The substantial differentiation and the high genetic similarities between populations indicate that populations have been recently isolated as a result of anthropic pressure. In-situ conservation strategies must first focus on populations with a high level of genetic diversity and rare alleles. Appropriate conservation action should take account of bioclimatic zones. Ex-situ preservation should be based on a maximum number of individuals collected within populations in each ecological group and their propagation in different bioclimates by means of cuttings.

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