
The wild banana Musa ornata is an inhabitant of the tropical regions of Mexico characterized by patches of tropical rainforest. The overexploitation of its habitat has caused the extinction of several populations affecting diversity and population genetic structure of remaining ones. We used microsatellite markers to determine the genetic diversity and the population’s genetic structure of all extant populations. The thirty-two microsatellite loci previously characterized for M. acuminata and M. balbisiana were tested in M. ornata. Only twelve amplified. From these seven were polymorphic and were used for genetic analyses. The Nei’s diversity estimator shows low levels of genetic diversity (H e = 0.263) with a mean of 4.40 alleles per locus. Excess homozygosity was evident in all populations indicating high levels of inbreeding. F ST pairwise analyses and AMOVA indicated low genetic differentiation. However, 28 % of private alleles were registered, suggesting limited gene flow. Genetic distances, Jaccard’s coefficient and principal component analysis showed a good correspondence to geographical locations. The Mantel test performed was not significant. The results support the hypothesis of recent fragmentation events; therefore, not enough time has passed to detect differences between populations. However, it is also likely that results are caused by factors such as bottleneck, decline in pollinator populations, self-pollination and/or a tendency towards clonal reproduction. It is proposed that the preservation strategy focuses on maintaining all the remaining populations and ensuring their connectivity, so as to maintain gene flow and increase the genetic diversity of this species.

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