
Murine natural killer (NK) cell activity against lymphoma targets can be classified into three major functional phenotypes, i.e., low, inducible, and high, according to the levels of endogeneous activity and the extent of augmentation by interferon (IFN) or IFN inducers, as previously described. The prototype strains identifying these three phenotypes are SJL, A.SW, and B10.S, respectively, all bearing the H-2s haplotype. In the present study, the genetic basis of the low phenotype of SJL mice was examined further. F1 hybrid offspring of crosses between SJL and a strain with the high NK phenotype (B10.S, B10.D2, B10, C3H/HeN, or D1.LP) invariably expressed the high NK phenotype, indicating recessiveness of the low phenotype. Crosses between SJL and another low NK strain, such as A/J, A/HeN, or I/St, resulted in offspring of either the inducible or the high NK phenotype. Such genetic complementation between the low NK pairs indicates that the low phenotype of SJL and that of the other strains have different genetic bases. F1 hybrid mice between SJL and an inducible strain, A/WySn, were inducible, but those between SJL and the second inducible strain, A.SW, had the high NK phenotype. Thus, the congenic A/WySn and A.SW have distinct genotypes resulting in the same inducible phenotype. According to analyses of the segregating offspring from backcrosses of (SJL X B10.S)F1 mice to SJL, a single gene difference is responsible for the low endogenous level of NK activity in SJL as opposed to the high endogenous level in B10.S, and that the difference in three genes accounts for the poor responsiveness of NK cells to IFN in SJL mice. Studies of the two congenic lines of SJL, i.e., SJL-Igha and SJL-nu, indicated that the Igh locus is irrelevant for the low NK phenotype of SJL, but the nu locus clearly is relevant; SJL mice homozygous for the nu allele were phenotypically inducible in contrast to the nu/+ or +/+ mice which are low. The nu gene homozygosity rendered SJL mice responsive to IFN, not only in NK activity against lymphomas but also in ADCC activity against antibody-coated lymphoma cells.

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