
Rhizobium leguminosarum strain VF39SM contains two plasmids that have previously been shown to be self-transmissible by conjugation. One of these plasmids, pRleVF39b, is shown in this study to carry a set of plasmid transfer genes that differs significantly from conjugation systems previously studied in the rhizobia but is similar to an uncharacterized set of genes found in R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain WSM2304. The entire sequence of the transfer region on pRleVF39b was determined as part of a genome sequencing project, and the roles of the various genes were examined by mutagenesis. The transfer region contains a complete set of mating pair formation (Mpf) genes, a traG gene, and a relaxase gene, traA, all of which appear to be necessary for plasmid transfer. Experimental evidence suggested the presence of two putative origins of transfer within the gene cluster. A regulatory gene, trbR, was identified in the region between traA and traG and was mutated. TrbR was shown to function as a repressor of both trb gene expression and plasmid transfer.

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