
To investigate the common genotypes of thalassemia of the pregnant woman in Wuhan area of China, and to make the prenantal gentic diagnosis for the fetus at high risk of thalassemia. A total of 357 pregnant woman with the primary positive screening in Wuhan area were included in this study. Genotypes were measured with PCR-flow cytometry, and fluorescence hybridization was used for detecting thalassmia gene. The husbands of the pregnant women with thalassmia were recalled for genetic analysis of thalassemia, and 9 cases of fetuses with high risk of thalassemia were detected by amniocontesis after genetic counseling. In 357 cases of the pregnant women in Wuhan area, the 214 cases were diagnosed as thalassemia, 80 cases were diagnosed as alpha thalassemia (up to 90%), whose genotypes were determind as --SEA/αα (78.75%) and -α3.7/αα (15.00%), while 133 cases were determind with genotype of IVS-2-654/N (43.61%), CD41-42/N (20.30%) and CD17/N (19.55%) in beta thalassemia (up to 80%). 9 prenatal diagnosis continued pregnancy included 1case of -α3.7/--SEA, 1 case of -α3.7/αα, 2 cases of --SEA/αα, 2 cases of IVS-2-654/N and 3 cases of normal, however, the pregnancy in prenatal diagnosis of -α3.7/--SEA voluntarily was terminated after genetic counseling. Follow-up results after delivery were consistent with prenatal diagnosis. Minor and static thalassemia were very common in Wuhan area. Genetic detection after primary screening, genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis in pregnant women could provide a theoretical basis for the development of regional specific prevention of intermedius and critical thalassemia which is meaning for rearing and bearing better children.

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