
In response to the rapidly changing manufacturing environment, product modelling technology has been widely applied to provide the essential information for supporting product development (PD) processes. The traditional product modelling technologies are unable to support the information exchange and sharing at the various stages of PD processes that could be taking place among different departments in a company or even among different companies in a distributed manufacturing environment. This has caused many problems such as information loss, data format incompatibility and reduced efficiency and effectiveness of product data applications. This has consequently created bottlenecks for the integration of PD processes. This chapter presents a generic product modelling framework (GPMF) to overcome the problems of information exchange and sharing in today’s manufacturing environment. This framework uses the Standard for the Exchange Product Model Data (STEP) as a foundation. It consists of four functional components: an EXPRESS DataModel (EDM) for presenting the structure of product data; a STEP-based modelling environment used to build up the EDM; a “five-phase” modelling method which is proposed to model the EDM; and three EDM data exchange and sharing methods which implement the EDM in the modelling product.

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