
Generic delineation within the Arctium group ( Compositae, Carduceae-Carduinae ), formed by the genera Arctium, Cousinia, Hypacanthium and Schamalhausenia , has proven a complicated task. In particular, the precise limits between Arctium and Cousinia are very difficult to establish. Therefore, we have carried out a molecular survey of DNA sequences of two regions, the chloroplast gene mat K and the nuclear-ribosomal spacers ITS 1 and 2, of a representation of all the genera of the group (in the case of Cousinia , centered in the species more obviously related to Arctiium ). Our results show a precise correlation between molecular phylogeny and two very important characters, pollen type and chromosome numbers: all the investigated species with the Arctiastrum pollen type and x= 18, characteristics of Arctium sensu stricto, form a monophyletic clade, sister of another monophyletic clade formed by all the investigated species of Cousinia sensu slricto. However, the resulting Arctioid clade cannot be defined on macroscopic morphologic characters, because the main trait for segregating Arctium and Cousinia , the spiny pinnatifid-pinnatisect leaves of Cousinia , is adaptative and of scarce systematic relevance. In fact, our results suggest that spines have appeared at least in two different lineages: the genera Hypacanthium and Schamalhausenia , spiny and thus morphologically closer to Cousinia , are unambiguously related to the unarmed genus Arctium . An hypothesis on the evolution of morphology, pollen and chromosome numbers in the group is formulated. The systematic implications of this incongruence between molecular, pollen and karyology, on the one hand, and morphology, on the other hand, are evaluated. Some possible solutions are proposed, but none of them is totally satisfactory: more studies are necessary with the inclusion of new species of Cousinia subg. Hypacanthodes .


  • Definir los límites genéricos en el grupo Arc/;/l1/I

  • The pappus is formed by free deciduous bristles (SUSANNA & GARCIAJACAS, 2003). 80th on morphological and molecular grounds, the genera Arclium and COIIsit¡ill belong to the subtribe Carduill11e

  • Mean pairwise distances within ingroup varied from 0%

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The Arclilllll group

The Arclium group eomprises the genera Are/il/m L., Cousit¡ia Cass. Hypacamllium Juz. and Scllmallrallsenia C, Winkl. (H.i,FFNER, 2000; SUSANNA & GARCIA-JACAS, in press). 600 species (MAIlIlERLEY, 1990) located in lhe Iranian and Turkeslanian mountain regions, with an aSlonishing number of ende mies Both lhe limils and lhe sectional classification of COllsi/lia have widely changed. The rest of lhe genera of the ArClill1ll group recognized by SUSANNA &GARCIA·1ACAS (in press) are very small: Sc!lmal/¡ausellia is monotypic, and Hypacallt/¡illlll has only three species. The prolologue of lhe genus Hypacallfhilllll placed it near SC/¡lIIal/¡ausellia It had been described as COllsinia ec/¡il1opifolia Bomrn. As we have seen aboye, it was al so relaled lo Hypacall1/¡illlll, and il was even combined as Arctiu11l eriopltorum (Regel & Schmalh.) Kuntze These entangling cases are illustralive enough, but Lhe besL example 01' lhe problems of generic range in the group is the case of Arcri///1/ and COllsi"ia

Relationships between the genera Arclium and COllsillia
Chromosorne nurnbers
Geographic distribution
Our objectives
Plant material
Phylogenetic analysis
COllsinia piprocepJwla Bunge
Cousilllo Karoravlea
Sallssllna maximolViczii
Nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS
Chloroplast DNA malK
Monophyly of lhe Arctium group
Saussurea maximowiezii
Habil aud morphology
Pollen and chromosomes
The delineation of Aretium and Cousinia
Cousinia sewenowii
Full Text
Paper version not known

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