
We inspect different quantum optical setups from the viewpoint of entanglement generation and detection. As a first step we consider a planar semiconductor microcavity and optimize the Bell-type correlations and their robustness against dephasing to create strong bipartite entanglement between polariton branches, which subsequently can be transferred to the emitted photons. In a second step, in order to create multipartite entangled light, we place the microcavity in an optical resonator driven by pump pulses with a frequency comb spectrum. For this system we show how phase matching of all comb modes can be achieved and will lead to indistinguishable scattering processes causing entanglement among every mode. Finally we demonstrate the buildup of entanglement in the dissipative dynamics of emitters coupled to a single cavity photon mode driven by an external laser. From a Floquet master equation approach we find that entanglement production predominates during the first few laser oscillation periods.

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