
Director Musices is a program that transforms notated scores into musical performances. It implements the performance rules emerging from research projects at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Rules in the program model performance aspects such as phrasing, articulation, and intonation, and they operate on performance variables such as tone, inter-onset duration, amplitude, and pitch. By manipulating rule parameters, the user can act as a metaperformer controlling different features of the performance, leaving the technical execution to the computer. Different interpretations of the same piece can easily be obtained. Features of Director Musices include MIDI file input and output, rule palettes, graphical display of all performance variables (along with music notation), and user-defined performance rules. The program is implemented in Common Lisp and is available free as a stand-alone application both for Macintosh and Windows platforms. Further information, including music examples, publications, and the software itself, is located online at http:// www.speech.kth.se/music/performance/.

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