
Fixed points of the renormalization group operator Rp,rX(t)≡X(rt)/rp are said to be p-self-similar. Here X(t) is an arbitrary stochastic process. The concept of a p-self-similar process is generalized via the renormalization group operator RF,GX(t)=F[X(G(t))], where F and G are bijections on (-∞,∞) and [0,∞), respectively. If X(t) is a fixed point of RF,G, then X(t) is said to be (F,G)-self-similar. We say Y(t) is (F,G)-X(t)-similar if RF,GX(t)=Y(t) in distribution. Exit time distributions and finite-size Lyapunov exponents were obtained for these latter processes. A power law multiscaling process is defined with a multipower-law clock. This process is employed to statistically represent diffusion in a nanopore, a monolayer fluid confined between atomically structured surfaces. The tools presented provide a straightforward method to statistically represent any multiscaling process in time.

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