
Many promising approaches to fault-tolerant quantum computation require repeated quantum nondemolition (QND) readout of binary observables such as quantum bits (qubits). A commonly used figure of merit for readout performance is the error rate for binary assignment in a single repetition. However, it is known that this figure of merit is insufficient. Indeed, real-world readout outcomes are typically analog instead of binary. Binary assignment therefore discards important information on the level of confidence in the analog outcomes. Here, a generalized figure of merit that fully captures the information contained in the analog readout outcomes is suggested. This figure of merit is the Chernoff information associated with the statistics of the analog readout outcomes in one repetition. Unlike the single-repetition error rate, the Chernoff information uniquely determines the asymptotic cumulative error rate for arbitrary readout noise. As a result, non-Gaussian readout noise common in experiments can be described by effective Gaussian noise with the same Chernoff information. Importantly, it is shown that such a universal description persists for the small number of repetitions and non-QND imperfections relevant to real experiments. Finally, the Chernoff information is used to rigorously quantify the amount of information discarded by analog-to-binary conversion. These results provide a unified framework for qubit readout and should facilitate optimization and engineering of near-term quantum devices across all platforms.

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