
Inducing an initial curvature is advantageous for tailoring the curvature of bistable Carbon Fiber Reinforced Prepreg (CFRP) laminate because the final curvature of the laminate can be tailored without changing its mechanical properties, i.e., bending rigidity, thickness, and weight. However, curvature tailoring with initial curvature has been limited to tailoring the curvature of only one state of the two equilibrium states. In this study, we propose a curvature tailoring scheme which can tailor the curvatures of both equilibrium states by misaligning the laminate and the cylindrical tool-plate for curing. This method was verified by analysis with the Rayleigh–Ritz method and experiments. In addition, explicit equations to determine the misalignment angle and tool-plate curvature are derived for curvature tailoring of the bistable CFRP cross-ply laminates. These equations provide a simple engineering guideline for designers of bistable CFRP cross-ply laminate. The proposed curvature tailoring method gives the designer the ability to select the curvature of both equilibrium states without changing its mechanical properties, and increasing the functionality of bistable CFRP laminates.

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