
Due to the insufficient knowledge about the regularities of formation and development of architectural objects and their components, the used methods are often based on conception that apartments, buildings, complexes, cities and objects of areal planning can be considered as a certain sum of elements, which can be studied and taken into account separately, without considering the general combination of factors. The present-day practice strongly suggests nowadays that such approach to solving architectural problems can’t be acceptable. At the boundary of architectural science and practice the controversies due to inefficiency of conventional methods of researching and designing architectural and city-planning systems become more and more frequent. This work presents the definition and substantiation of an architectural environment and an object of architectural activity as an ecological system of «population ↔ environment» type – i.e. a demoecosystem. The general system principles and the sphere of their application in the formation, functioning and development of architectural systems are given, which substantially expands the knowledge about an object and subject of architectural theory and practice. The general principles of architectural systems (demoecosystems) behavior are the basis for developing logical and mathematical models. The knowledge about the principles of behavior of integral architectural systems of various hierarchical levels and various complexities allows developing general methodological recommendations at designing specified methods of research and expert evaluation of architectural objects at version designing and forecasting.

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