
The first total synthesis of (+)-Na-methyl-16-epipericyclivine (9) was completed [from d-(+)-tryptophan methyl ester] in an overall yield of 42% (eight reaction vessels). The optical rotation [[alpha]D +22.8 (c 0.50, CHCl3)] obtained on this material confirmed that the reported optical rotation [[alpha]D 0 (c 0.50, CHCl3)]47 was biogenetically unreasonable. The total syntheses of (+)-vellosimine, (+)-normacusine B, (-)-alkaloid Q3, (-)-panarine, and (+)-Na-methylvellosimine are also described. Moreover, a mixed sample (1:1) of synthetic (-)-panarine and natural (-)-panarine yielded only one set of signals in the 13C NMR; this indicated that the two compounds are identical and further confirmed the correct configuration of (+)-vellosimine, (+)-normacusine B, and (-)-alkaloid Q3. In this approach, the key templates, (-)-Na-H,Nb-benzyltetracyclic ketone 15a and (-)-Na-methyl,Nb-benzyltetracyclic ketone 43 were synthesized on multihundred gram scale by the asymmetric Pictet-Spengler reaction and a stereocontrolled Dieckmann cyclization via improved sequences. An intramolecular palladium (enolate-mediated) coupling reaction was employed to introduce the C(19)-C(20) E-ethylidene function in the sarpagine alkaloids for the first time in stereospecific fashion.

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