
Suleyman Demirel Universitesi TIP FAKULTESI DERGISI: 1994 Mart; 1(1) Gec Ortaya Cikan Travmatik intraserebral Hematomlar Mustafa Balevi Erdal Kalkan Ozet Kapali kafa travmasi sonucu travmatik intraserebral hematom (TISH) gelisen ve konservatif tedaviye alman 112 olgunun 10 (% 8.9)'unda ilk 12-24 saat icinde hematomun buyudugu, beyin parankiminin baska bolgelerinde yeni hematomlarin ortaya ciktigi goruldu. Gec ortaya cikan TlSH sonucu 8 (% 7.1) olgu, hematomlarin buyuyup kitle etkisi yapmasi nedeniyle opere edildi. Kraniektomi ve hematom drenaji uygulanan olgularda eksitus olmadi. Serebral kontuzyonu olan ve baslangicta cerrahi gerektirmeyen TISH olgularinda bilgisayarli tomografi tekrar edilmeli, gec olusabilecek TISH'lar akildan cikarilmamalidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kafa travmasi, travmatik intraserebral hematom. Abstract Delayed posttraumatic intracerebral hematoms It has been seen that 10 cases (% 8.9) of the 112 cases which traumatic intracerebral hematomas (TISH) due to closed head injury have been treated conservatively, the volume of their hematomas expanded and delayed hematomas occurred on the other side of their brain tissue infirst 12 to 24 hours. Eight cases (% 7.1) of delayed hematomas had been operated under emergency conditions because of produced additional mass effect with deterioration of consciousness and an increase in neurological deficit. Craniectomy for evacuation of intracerebral hematomas has been done and we didn't see mortality complication on those cases. CT examination must be repeated on the cerebral contusion and TISH cases which didn't experience surgical treatment in 12 to 24 hours. One must not forget all about delayed and expanded hematomas. Key Words: Head injury, traumatic intracerebral hematomas

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