
The Achievers Life Style and Decision to Use Credit Card This study discusses the effect of achievers lifestyle on the decision to use credit card to customers of credit card customers of Bank Mandiri branch Pematangsiantar. The goal is to determine the effect of achievers' lifestyle with the decision to use credit cards to customers of Bank Mandiri credit card users. The number of respondents determined as many as 100 respondents. Sampling procedure is done by purposive sampling that is sampling technique based on credit card user who live in Pematangsiantar city. Mutiple linier regressions are used as technique of analysis. The results showed that the achievers lifestyle variables have a significant influence on the decision to use credit cards. From result of regression analysis known that activity and opinion variable have influence stronger than interest to decision using credit card. DOI: 10.15408/ess.v7i2.4987


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh gaya hidup achievers terhadap keputusan menggunakan kartu kredit pada nasabah pengguna kartu kredit Bank Mandiri cabang Pematangsiantar

  • The results showed that the achievers lifestyle variables have a significant influence on the decision to use credit cards

  • Dan keseluruhan hasil penelitian tersebut akan disimpulkan sebagai berikut: secara umum variabel gaya hidup (activities, interest, and opinion) berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan konsumen dalam menggunakan kartu kredit Bank Mandiri cabang Pematangsiantar

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Uji instrumen yang pertama kali dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah uji validitas kuesioner. Uji validitas ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah instrumen penelitian yang digunakan tepat mengukur apa yang sebenarnya diukur. Penulis menyajikan hasil pengujian validitas i nstrumen dari variabel bebas dan variabel terikat

Activities Gaya Hidup
Nilai Koefisien
Std Error of The Estimate
Sum of df Mean Square
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